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Your French Dietitian in Cyprus.
Member of Cyprus Dietitian.

My Story
Hi, my name is Jean-Philippe Ricau.
At an early age, I made two decisions that changed my life forever.
One was to become a registered dietician and the other was to leave my home country France and move to Cyprus.
Since then, I have been spending every day of my life helping and coaching people with their weight issues, teaching them nutrition basics and making them emotionally stronger.
My 20+ years of experience have shown great success stories, a few failures (let's be honest), but mostly success.

Specialties :
Digestive wellness
Food allergies & intolerance
Healthy cooking / meal planning
Diet and Detoxification
Weight Management
Sport Nutrition
My philosophy
Today, after having proudly helped more than 20,000 clients from different nationalities and cultures, my enthusiasm is still intact and I'm still moved by the strength and willingness that people put to improve their lives and health.
Each client who reaches his goal is a massive satisfaction for me.
If you know me as a client or a friend, you can tell that I never ban yummy food. Elimination is just not my cup of tea. And it should neither be yours.
To get a good success rate I use a very simple strategy based on
3 key principles of nutritional health:
balance, variety and moderation.
Let me explain. If you eat too much or too little of something, you are likely to have an excess or a deficiency in some nutrients. That's why a balanced diet, filled with variety and eaten in moderation, is key to nutritional health. While it sounds simple I have noticed that most people struggle to apply these principles when they are misguided. This is why motivation and psychology are important. Yes, a dietician must also be a good psychologist.
Losing weight does not require much effort, but remaining in shape requires the utmost motivation.
How to accomplish it? This is what I teach to my clients through easy methods and through constant motivation and follow up.
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